

Our Warriors
Need Your Help

The Sabotage and Engineering Squadron of Reconnaissance Battalion 6310,
(PALCHAN GADSAR) of reservists, alumni of the Nachal Brigade,
is an Elite Infantry Unit operating as a regimental patrol.

Its purpose is to break a safe passage for the brigade and gather combat intelligence
and observations
with particular proficiency in sabotage and mining.

Donations are intended for the following purposes:

Provisioning life-saving
protection gear

Supporting bereaved families
and commemorating the unit's
soldiers who had lost their lives

The purpose of this fundraising:
Quick supply of life-saving protective gear to be delivered directly to the unit’s reservists on the battlefield. 

These include: Ceramic vests, tactical helmets and protective goggles.
Furthermore, when and where possible, replenish tactical gear shortages to assist the combatants, like dedicated vests, knee guards, tactical uniforms, and thermal clothes.
We operate vis-a-vis the relevant and urgent deficiencies the unit requires.

Any amount donated shall be used for the above-mentioned purpose!!
Any remaining balance shall be used to broaden the aforesaid activity. If the IDF addresses the said deficiencies, the remaining balance shall be repositioned to support the survivors and residents of settlements around the Gaza Strip, many of whom are among our alumni and the families of our unit’s fighters, as needed.